Sound Proofing

7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Dog Poop Smell from Neighbors Yard

7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Poop Smell From Neighbor's Yard!

Living in a community comes with its unique challenges, and dealing with unpleasant odors from a neighbor’s yard, specifically dog poop, can be quite a nuisance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore practical and effective solutions to get rid of dog poop smell from neighbors’ yard, ensuring a more pleasant living environment for everyone.

Here are 7 effective ways to get rid of dog poop smell:

1. Use Baking Soda

  • Why It Works: Baking soda is well-known for its ability to neutralize odors. It works by absorbing and breaking down the acidic components that contribute to the smell of dog poop.
  • How to Use: Start by sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda over the affected area where the dog poop was or where the smell is strongest. Allow the baking soda to sit for a few hours or, if possible, overnight. This will give it enough time to absorb the odors fully. Afterward, rinse the area with water to wash away the baking soda. Repeat this process if necessary, until the smell is completely gone.

2. Apply Activated Charcoal

  • Why It Works: Activated charcoal is a highly porous substance that can trap odors and gases, making it an excellent solution for eliminating unpleasant smells. It works by absorbing the molecules that cause the bad odor.
  • How to Use: You can use activated charcoal in two ways. The first is to place it in a mesh bag or an old sock and hang it near the area where the smell is strongest. This method allows the charcoal to absorb the odor from the air. Alternatively, you can sprinkle powdered activated charcoal directly on the ground where the poop was. Leave it there for a few hours before sweeping it up or rinsing it away with water.

3. Use Enzyme Cleaners

  • Why It Works: Enzyme cleaners are specifically formulated to break down organic matter, such as the waste left by pets. They contain beneficial bacteria that digest the proteins in dog poop, effectively eliminating both the waste and the odor.
  • How to Use: To use an enzyme cleaner, spray it generously over the area where the dog poop was found. Make sure the area is thoroughly soaked, as this will allow the enzymes to penetrate deeply into the soil. Depending on the product, you may need to let it sit for a certain amount of time, often ranging from 10 minutes to a few hours. Follow the instructions on the label for the best results. Once the cleaner has done its job, you can rinse the area with water.

4. Spread Lime Powder

  • Why It Works: Lime powder, or garden lime, is a natural compound that can neutralize acidic odors. It’s commonly used in agriculture to reduce soil acidity, but it’s also effective at breaking down and neutralizing the strong smells associated with dog poop.
  • How to Use: To use lime powder, lightly sprinkle it over the area where the smell is most noticeable. Be careful not to use too much, as lime can be irritating to the skin and eyes, both for humans and pets. After applying the lime, water the area to help it seep into the soil, where it will begin to neutralize the odors. This method is particularly effective for outdoor spaces with persistent smells.

5. Install Yard Odor Neutralizers

  • Why It Works: Yard odor neutralizers are specially designed products that target and eliminate outdoor odors. These products often contain natural ingredients that are safe for pets and plants, making them a convenient solution for dealing with dog poop smells.
  • How to Use: Odor neutralizers typically come in spray or granular form. For sprays, simply apply them directly to the affected areas following the product’s instructions. Granular neutralizers can be sprinkled around the yard, especially in areas where your neighbor’s dog frequently leaves waste. These products work by either masking the odor or chemically neutralizing the compounds responsible for the smell. They can be reapplied as needed to keep the yard smelling fresh.

6. Use Vinegar Solution

  • Why It Works: Vinegar is a natural and cost-effective way to combat odors. It works by neutralizing the ammonia in dog poop, which is a major contributor to the strong smell. Additionally, vinegar is safe for the environment and won’t harm your plants or pets.
  • How to Use: To make a vinegar solution, mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture over the smelly area and let it dry. The vinegar smell will be strong at first but will fade as it dries, taking the dog poop odor with it. You can repeat this process as often as needed to keep the area fresh.

7. Encourage Regular Cleanup

  • Why It Works: The most straightforward and effective way to keep dog poop smells at bay is to ensure that the waste is regularly cleaned up. The longer dog poop sits in a yard, the more time it has to decompose and release unpleasant odors. Regular cleanup prevents this process and keeps the area smelling fresh.
  • How to Implement: Approach your neighbor with a polite suggestion that regular cleanup will help keep the yard pleasant for everyone. You could offer to help or suggest tools that make the process easier, such as a pooper scooper or biodegradable waste bags. Regular cleaning not only prevents odors but also helps maintain a cleaner and healthier yard environment.


Yes, you can politely ask your neighbor to clean up after their dog. Approach the conversation calmly and respectfully, and explain how the smell is affecting you.

If your neighbor refuses to clean up after their dog, you can consider speaking with your local authorities or homeowner’s association. Many places have laws regarding pet waste, and they may be able to help enforce these rules.

It’s best to avoid harsh chemicals, especially if there are plants or animals nearby. Natural options like baking soda, white vinegar, or commercial pet odor neutralizers designed for outdoor use are safer alternatives.

The frequency depends on how often the dog poops in the area. You may need to treat the area once or twice a week, especially if the smell is persistent.

Yes, the smell of dog poop can be unpleasant and, in some cases, harmful. Dog waste can contain bacteria and parasites that can affect your health if left unattended.

Yes, long-term solutions include installing barriers like fences, using natural repellents to deter dogs from pooping in the area, or planting odor-absorbing plants like lavender or mint.

If the smell persists despite your efforts, it may be necessary to consult a professional cleaning service that specializes in outdoor odor removal.


Getting rid of the dog poop smell from a neighbor’s yard can be challenging, but with the right approach, it’s possible to keep your outdoor space smelling fresh. By using natural remedies like baking soda, white vinegar, or commercial odor neutralizers, you can effectively tackle the smell without harming the environment. Remember, open communication with your neighbor is key to resolving the issue long-term. If the problem persists, don’t hesitate to seek help from local authorities or consider more permanent solutions like barriers or odor-absorbing plants. With these tips, you can enjoy a cleaner, fresher yard without the lingering smell of dog poop.

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